Syllabus Season


I have survived my first summer in Boston! Usually around this time of year, I am packing up the wet lab in Panama and trying to sneak a fall climbing trip before the semester begins. This year is different in a lot of ways. I have moved in with my partner in Cambridgeport, and we’ve adopted a puppy (yay adulting!). Our Luna has a very sensitive stomach but a lot of love to give.

This week also marks the start of classes at Boston University. In reaction to the global pandemic, B.U. has adopted a “Learn from Anywhere” model where undergraduate students can opt to take classes remotely or in person. It has been a major challenge to adapt this fall’s Animal Behavior class to accommodate both synchronous and asynchronous learners for both in-person and remote format classes. Some days it feels like I’m prepping for 4 classes in 1… but after all the work we’ve put into revamping this lab to make it accessible and exciting for everyone, I’m really proud of this curriculum and can’t wait to meet my students this week!

Active BI407 Fall 2020 Syll... by Julie Jung